Inscription, Enchanting, Ground Herbs (Alchemy), etc. Professions that have materials crafted, Inks or Ground Herbs, for example, have their own categories. Meat & Fish, Herbs, Ore, Cloth, and Leather are all sorted into one category each. By way of Gathering, and by way of Crafting. Materials - These are sorted into two different types of categories. I also try to make sure my groups are modular since you never know when you need to switch it up. Structure - I like to be organized and have relatively detailed groups so that I can pinpoint operations with precision instead of a blanket. While sharing groups makes things a little less troublesome for some, sharing operations should at most be inspirational, never copied, in my opinion. I believe operations are as individual and personal as TSM can be, heavily influenced by region, realm, markets, personal preference, and circumstances. There's no guarantee they will work when Shadowlands comes around It would be dishonest of me to share operations of content that isn't even released. I haven't quite decided on the operations yet, so they don't have any even in my profile. No operations are included - And won't be, this is for mainly three reasons. First time I make a post like this, so I hope you enjoy it. Before I start heavily personalizing them I thought I might as well share them here. I am pretty much exclusively a crafter, and the groups are made with that kept in mind. I decided the other day to get all my Shadowlands groups sorted ahead of time so no time is wasted doing that when time will be of the essence. As we are all awaiting Shadowlands to hit we're mostly just treading water. My name is Xoerba (with Reddit saying otherwise), and have been a relatively successful goblin for some time now.

Just move over the small feast to the "Small - Feast" group and you're good. In Cooking > Feasts both the big and small Feasts are in the "Large - Feast" group. After that, you can just add it yourself from the base group. Here's a script you post in-game so the item is "loaded" by the game.

EDIT: Thank you for all the kind words! I'm a lurker 99% of the time on Reddit, so I'm glad I can contribute a bit :) I also noticed I forgot to add the Wormhole Toy from Engineering.